On the Coast

Life, the universe, the weather and good music. The tides and the surf and the harmonic sequence. The ocean, the breathing of the planet; Its rhythm the essence of music.

Saturday, April 02, 2011

New Decade.. Catching up on the blog I forgot I had...


We have now been cursed with the most vile of possible goobernators imaginable. Thanks to our non-runoff process (new laws anyone?) and a strong 3rd party candidate (I'm conflicted about how I should have voted to avoid this thing!) we're stuck with a despot who lost by a landslide. A 38% mandate from... whom?

"...only been in power.." he slips via freudianism.. Although he probably doesn't know what that is, and would want to ban it or defund it or denigrate it somehow if he did..

It's hard to avoid and/or ignore this curse we are under. Each week he does something more outrageous than the last and we get our ass handed to us in the global press because of it. Thanks, dickhead.

I am seriously, right now, going to write an email to Rachel Maddow asking her please, please, whenever you find another LePage bullshit story coming across the wire, please introduce it by stating emphatically, with attribution to me directly if desired, but at least to the 61% (FB group?), that HE ONLY GOT 38% OF THE VOTE!! He's NOT my governor, or anyone else's for that matter. Unless they're from out of state with a ton of money and willing to provide one particular kind of job for the governor. Or he to them... Which one is it?

Oh, and let us get a recall law as well. Please.

Parting aside:
I once lived a life without Facebook, and sent messages on paper to people by handing them off to other people who handed them off to... etc. until my friend received it and read my words, from my heart/mind to hand to stroke of pen, unique to me. If there were actual handwriting on the FB wall, who knows, it might start something. Hailed as a new breakthrough in technology, most likely. Still, we are all dogs, as far as anyone knows..

That's all for now. I've stuck my toe back into the blogwaters again. I hope to be a bit more consistent and focused, essaying to provide my views from wherever I happen to be sitting, which, unfortunately, as is now the case, in front of my computer. (I don't watch TV any more. Cuts into my surfing time. Infinite channel surfing. Brought to you by Big Brother. If George Orwell were alive today, he'd be turning over in his grave.)

In the meantime, you may find my manifestations here: My Website


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